ATTENTION: Online Coaches, Course Creators, And Experts…

Here’s How You Can Pack Your Calendar And Build A Cult-Like Audience By Using Our “Eternal Engine” Model To Unlock “Untapped Streams Of Revenue” In Your Coaching Biz…

…WITHOUT spending a single dollar on paid ads, dealing with hyper-complex funnels, or spam new video content.

⬇️ Read Through For Just 180 Seconds To Reveal: ⬇️

✅ The Two Ground-Breaking Reasons Business Owners "Miss Out" On Sales That Could Be Theirs If They Just Understood These Two Principles (Alex Hormozi, Russell Brunson, And Even Grant Cardone All Use It WIthin Their Multi-Million Dollar Brands)✅ How Countless Coaches, Course Creators, And Experts In Your Niche Are Taking Your Audience And Turning Them Into Raving Fans That Throw Money At Them (Leaving You With The Scraps They Don't Want)✅ The Most Underrated Channel Of Marketing That Will Have Your Closers Doing Backflips From How Much Commission They Get From The Windflow Of Booked Calls (But More Importantly The Rest Of The Cut That YOU Get Without Lifting A Finger)


Yo yo, it’s Khushal and I’ll be straight up here.Whether you’re an online coach/expert/course creator…
I KNOW how busy you are, so I’ll make this quick so you can get back to making that bag…
So quick that you need less than 180 seconds to finish this page.Ready? Start the timer.If I had to sum up my offer to you in one line it would be this:Do you want to book more calls, get more stripe notifications, and monetize better from the audience you’ve worked so hard to build?WHILE also building a “cult-like” audience with an unshakable know, like, and trust factor that just CAN’T be broken no matter how hard your competitors try?(Sorry that was two lines) (lol)I know your answer is a hell yes!So here are 2 ground-breaking principles WHY business owners miss out on sales:1. People ONLY buy from people they know, like, and trust2. If people aren’t buying from you they don’t know, like, and trust you enough to give you their hard-earned moneySo how do you build more of this “know, like, and trust” factor?To have people rave about the image you put out?And relate to you, what you stand for, and your story?It’s by establishing some form of personal communication with your audience.No I’m not telling you to post more content.This is personal.This is done by sending emails.Now, don’t you click off this page because I mentioned the word “email”.It’s true.Email marketing is the molding of the foundation of your coaching biz.It’s the ONLY part of your biz where you FULLY own your audience (BEFORE they make a purchase).Unlike Instagram (or any social platform), your account could be banned/shut down at any given moment.

In fact, here’s cold hard proof…

A few months ago this happened to a client of ours.He lost access to his IG account for a week. (F you Zuckerberg)That meant no posting content, zero access to leads & no way of booking calls…What did we do?We simply ran a 7-day email launch sequence INJECTED with urgency, direct response & scarcity, and with ONLY 5 emails, we booked 30+ sales calls for this client.And that’s more than what he gets booked by his appointment setter on a weekly basis (lol).

Now, do you see the power of owning your audience?

Look, I’m not trying to sell you on some “email magic” because this shit works.Email is the channel that never sleeps…Sells to your audience WITHOUT you having to post any new video content…And build a “cult-like” audience you OWN that’ll take you up on anything you offer them.You can sell whatever you want, whenever you want because you’ve built a RELATIONSHIP with your audience – via email.They like you and would book that call, buy that course, or join that community you created…… almost on autopilot!

So here’s why if you are (or aren’t) using email marketing, it’s the channel you should put more focus on:

✅You Can (And Will) Lap The Competitors In Your Niche By Gathering Your Leads’ Email Info So They Become YOUR Lead And No One Else’s (Brute Force People To Stay In The Loop With Your Brand So They’ll End Up Buying Overtime)✅You Build A Bond SO “Tight-Knit” With The Leads That Come Through Your Pipeline They Instantly Choose You Over Everyone Because You Stand Out From The Rest (Most Coaches' Email Lists Are Boring, Written Weirdly, And Show 0 Personality)✅You Can Easily Integrate Email Into Your Funnels, Upsells, Downsells, Sales Processes, Customer Journey, Programs And Offers, And Overall Sales Cycle (Amplifies How Much You Make From Existing Products By Plugging In Simple Emails That Cater To The Different Buyer Types)✅You Can OWN The leads You Buy From Zuckerberg And Have A Separate Profitable, Sustainable, And FREE Marketing Channel That You Can Leverage If Your Ad Account Gets Banned Or Your Organic Content Is At A Slow Peak (Never Fall Victim To “Borrowing” Other Coaches Leads Or Facing “Slow Months” In Your Coaching Business)


Email’s kinda cool now, ain't it? Here’s how it works…

(you got 90 seconds remaining)I’ll make this quick and be 100% straight with you.Business owners are NOT supposed to write their own emails.Weird right?Why would I show you how crucial email is, then tell you not to write them? (I’m not crazy, trust)Your time is best leveraged doing higher-level tasks.Like posting content, running your ads, managing your team, fulfilling client needs, thinking of content ideas…The list is never-ending.It’s why you hired an appointment setter, a sales closer, an assistant coach etc…So you can focus on the BIG needle movers within your biz so it grows at a steady pace.You should be focused on working ON your business, not being a “forever employee” to yourself aka working IN your biz.The LAST thing you should worry about is writing, scheduling and sending emails (that you don’t even know will make you sales) to an email list you have to spend hours learning how set up and navigate the “email software.”Not forgetting that you need to figure out the sending domain issues, complex segmenting, mind-twisting automations, annoying email provider interfaces, and ACTUALLY getting people on the damn list…Jeez.That list is also never-ending.

So, here’s the deal: I’ve got something that could change the game for you.

We call it our Eternal Engine Model.Imagine this:You wake up to a calendar packed with calls, notifications from Stripe telling you about new incoming payments, and a cult-like audience you OWN that’ll take you up on anything you offer them.Sounds too good to be true? It’s not.With our Eternal Engine Model, you can achieve all of this and more, without spending a single $ on paid ads provided you have a decent (20k+) following and you:1. Have an email list with a minimum of a couple of thousand subscribers and that list is growing daily.2. Just started collecting emails and you’re confused, saying to yourself “What now?” or “What’s next?”3. You’re looking to further scale up your operations, but you don't know how to fully own & monetize your audience or know what the “next step” is.If you fit into ONE (or more) of those categories above, then this is for you.We’ll turn your email list into your MOST valuable asset using our Eternal Engine Model.

Here’s how our "Eternal Engine" Model works:


Eternal means “always existing.” We’ll set up DFY Evergreen “Autopilot-Money” Automations in congruence with your sales funnel so you can streamline the customer journey + enhance your sales process & book calls on autopilot without you lifting a finger.


Engines imply maintenance, so to keep the “engine” portion of this model running, we’ll write & send 3-5 emails/week completely done-for-you while managing your email list so you book calls, better monetize your audience & have a healthier list with raving fans.

Now you may be thinking… What’s next? How can I implement this into my biz?

I’ve got just the thing for you.Below I have a button.Click it and schedule a time so we have a chill chat about your biz and how we can implement our Eternal Engine Model + audit your current email strategies.

Or don’t click it.I mean, you’ve read THIS far down some random guy’s page talking about email…And the way I see it:

There are 3 ways you can go about this...

1. You can click off this page and go about the rest of your day like you didn't just click away the answer to all of your problems… (joking, or am I?)2. Try implementing this on your own to see if you can get yourself results. But, as I said before, you’re here to work ON your business, not IN.You should be focused on the BIG needle movers within your biz so it grows at a steady pace.3. You can click that button below, book a call & pour yourself a cup of coffee while we chill and talk about your biz, where it's at, audit your current email strategies & see if we can implement our Eternal Engine.I promise this isn't a high-pressure sales call (I couldn't pressure you with “sales tactics” even if I wanted to lol)So what are you waiting for?

Here are some of the results results our Eternal Engine has gotten: